Diplomatic Warrior

What makes someone a Diplomatic Warrior™?

It starts from inside, from her talent, her grit. But that is only the beginning. It grows with every relationship, every person who mentors her, who embraces what she has to offer. But to take it to the next level, to turn all that she is and all that she knows into a true Diplomatic Warrior, requires something more. Ella Know Who You Are Workshops help you become a Diplomatic Warrior™.

A Diplomatic Warrior™ Is

A Diplomatic Warrior brings her authentic voice and style to the leadership table.

She knows who she is in terms of her values, beliefs and character.

Is a natural ally to like-minded women – and men

Shows determination and drive in her convictions.

She stands up for her convictions, but not in a hostile manner.

Has the ability to help colleagues understand complex issues.

Displays courage and the willingness to take risks.

She posses a global world view and has the capacity to see the “big” picture.

She is visionary rather than parochial.

She demonstrates grace under fire and remains grounded in difficult situations.

Finally, a Diplomatic Warrior lives in harmony and joy in all dimensions of her life.

Are you ready to become a Diplomatic Warrior? Click below to learn more about Ella’s Workshops.

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